Crested Butte
Nonviolent Communication (NVC)
Discussion Group

A Place to Share Your NVC Journey

This group assumes you are learning NVC on your own, through books, videos and/or courses.

One of the biggest challenges in NVC is learning to apply the ideas to your own personal situations, when you are often too embroiled in the issues to think clearly. It can be very useful to get the perspective of others who are also studying NVC. That’s what this group is for.

Although the group requires self-study, you can be anywhere on your NVC Journey to attend. It’s perfectly fine if you’re just getting started (but do get started before attending!). Here is our evolving list of learning resources.

In a typical meeting, each person describes what they’ve learned and possibly introduces something they are struggling with. Using NVC, other members of the group may reflect what they heard and ask if the person is interested in hearing ideas about the issue.

We are not:

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Add your email to the list and reply to the welcome email. You can remove yourself at any time.